Child sexual abuse and sexual harassment can change the direction of one’s life. Too often perpetrators abuse their positions of power, trust and authority to sexual abuse children or sexually harass others. If you are a victim of child sexual abuse or sexual harassment and are ready to take action call the lawyers at Montoya, Lucero & Pastor. The following article points out that it is not enough to get angry when we see sexual harassment or fall victim to sexual abuse. We must identify it, report it, and hold the perpetrators of sexual abuse and sexual harassment accountable.
Need more information? Call us at Montoya, Lucero & Pastor, P.A.!
If you have questions about taking legal action for sexual abuse, we are here to provide you with the answers and counsel you need before moving forward. We will get you through this difficult moment in your life, one step at a time.
For the dedicated and results-driven legal representation you need, please seek our firm's help as soon as possible. Schedule a free consultation with a personal injury attorney today!